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Wilson's Snipe along Brubaker Lane. Photo © Shawn Billerman. |
Tiger salamander found at Meeboer. Photo by Libby Megna. |
In total we detected 72 species. Below are links to our eBird checklists and the species list for the day.
Blake's Pond
Meeboer Lake
Gelatt Marsh
Lake Hattie Reservoir
Brubaker Lane
Hutton Lake NWR
Species List - 25 April 2015
Canada Goose Canada Goose Gadwall American Wigeon Mallard Blue-winged Teal Cinnamon Teal Northern Shoveler Northern Pintail Green-winged Teal Canvasback Redhead Ring-necked Duck Lesser Scaup Bufflehead Common Goldeneye Common Merganser Ruddy Duck Common Loon Horned Grebe Eared Grebe Western Grebe Clark's Grebe American White Pelican Great Blue Heron |
Hooded Merganser Osprey Golden Eagle Northern Harrier Cooper's Hawk Swainson's Hawk Red-tailed Hawk American Coot Sandhill Crane American Avocet Killdeer Greater Yellowlegs Willet Long-billed Dowitcher Wilson's Snipe Bonaparte's Gull Franklin's Gull Ring-billed Gull California Gull Herring Gull Mourning Dove Great Horned Owl Belted Kingfisher American Kestrel Say's Phoebe | Ring-billed Gull Common Raven Horned Lark Tree Swallow Bank Swallow Barn Swallow Cliff Swallow Marsh Wren American Robin Sage Thrasher European Starling McCown's Longspur Yellow-rumped Warbler Brewer's Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Song Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Red-winged Blackbird Western Meadowlark Yellow-headed Blackbird Brewer's Blackbird Common Grackle Great-tailed Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird House Sparrow |
Auduboners at Hutton NWR. Photo by Libby Megna. |