We lead bird walks, host public speakers, and organize birding events. All events are open and free to the public. All ages and abilities are welcome! We also host a number of citizen science programs - information on these events will be
posted here as they approach.
Please email us at laramie.audubon@gmail.com if you have questions about field trips or suggestions for future trips or evening programs.
Field Trips - Winter & Spring 2025
All are welcome, regardless of experience level or available equipment - birding in a group is a great way to learn the local birds! ; We try to include information regarding how strenuous/accessible the different trips are - please contact us if you have ideas regarding BIRDABILITY (i.e., making birding more accessible for all).
Please bring the following items on field trips: your binoculars (if you have them), an extra layer (perhaps two or three), sun protection, and water/snacks if you would like them. Sturdy, closed-toed shoes are recommended. Most trips will last for two to three hours, but attendees are free to leave at any time.
Anticipate slow walking for the duration of most trips. Many trips will convene at First Street Plaza, located in downtown Laramie (corner of First Street and Grand Avenue) to allow for attendees to arrange for carpools and to facilitate caravanning to the final field trip location.
January 25February 1: Winter Tracking Trip - NEW TIME: 9 a.m. Dr. Gary Beauvais, Director of the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, will lead a snowshoe/cross-country ski trek through forest and riparian areas of the Medicine Bow National Forest. This outing will focus on identification of animal tracks and other signs written into the winter snow. The group will also discuss the natural history of the winter environment. This is a favorite annual trip and we learn something new each year! Meet at the intersection of Highway 130 and Sand Lake Road (approximately 6.3 miles west of Centennial). Attendees must provide their own equipment and be prepared for cold winter conditions. Please dress in layers and bring plenty of snacks, water, and sun protection. UW students can check with the UW Outdoor Program for equipment. Local outdoor stores also have daily rentals available.
February 22: Annual Bird Hop - Each winter we spend a leisurely morning wandering the alleys of Centennial and then retreat inside to the Bear Bottom or the Albany Lodge for coffee/breakfast and feeder-watching. Laramie-based folks will meet at 8:45 a.m. at First Street Plaza (corner of 1st Street and Grand Avenue) and caravan to Centennial where we'll wander the protected aspen groves within the downtown area and possibly up onto the hills. After our meander, we will retreat to the Bear Bottom Café for a NO HOST coffee or early lunch. The Bear Bottom typically has feeders visible through their large dining room windows, so the birding fun will continue even after we head indoors. If you would like to meet us in Centennial, look for the group in front of the Bear Bottom Café at approximately 9:30 a.m. (Lisa)
April 5: Vulture Watch Training. In early to mid-April, Turkey Vultures arrive in Laramie after migrating from wintering grounds in Central and South America. They have a communal roost located on the University of Wyoming campus (adjacent to Old Main), which they use until migrating back to their winter grounds in September and October. There is much to learn about roost dynamics, breeding behavior, and how they interact with their habitat! The Laramie Audubon Society encourages our members and friends to attend this training and participate in this community science program. Training will take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the University of Wyoming's Berry Center building (Room 217 - Teaching Lab) and outside on campus. For more information, see
April 12: Sage Grouse Lek (meet at Eppson Center - before sunrise [time TBD]. Consider attending the March evening program (Wednesday, 3/26) to prepare for this trip. (Jan)
April 19: Plains Lakes (meet at 1st Street Plaza - 8 a.m.) (Erik)
May 3: Red Buttes (meet at 1st Street Plaza - 8 a.m.) (Beth)
May 10: (date subject to change) Laramie Hot Spots (meet at Greenhill Cemetery Main Gate, please use on-street parking outside of the Cemetery - 8 a.m.) (Brad?)
May 17: Cheyenne Hereford Ranch (meet at 1st Street Plaza - 7 a.m. or just meet the group in Cheyenne at 8 a.m. (joint with Cheyenne-High Plains Audubon; direction to WHR provided below)
May 24: Bosler Wetlands & Thorne/Williams WHMA (meet at 1st Street Plaza - 8 a.m.) (Kathy)
TBA: Dawn Chorus (birding by ear)
Kids and Families Programs - Winter & Spring 2025
Outdoor events meet at 9 a.m.; Indoor events meet at 10 a.m.
January 25: Hibernation Station! Hosted with Wyoming State Parks. Meet in
the Gruver Room (main floor) of Trinity Lutheran Church, 107 S. 7th Street, for
stories and crafts with a hibernation theme. Get the answers to these
questions and more: Why do animals hibernate? Who hibernates in
Wyoming? This event takes place from 10 a.m. to noon. Drop in at any time to join
the fun and take home your craft masterpieces to enjoy.
February 15: Wetlands Wander! In celebration of World Wetlands Day, we will meander along the Laramie Greenbelt learning about
river and wetland habitats and looking for midwinter signs of wildlife activity. Park at the lot at Optimist Park by the river (along West Garfield Street) and meet at the picnic shelter next
to the trail. 9 a.m. meetup time. All kids and families will take home a wetland
activity pack.
March 22- Welcome Spring at
Undine Park! We
will use all our senses to look up and down and all around to find signs of
spring as we wander Undine Park, with a side trip to the Sheila Bird Farms
greenhouse to see what is growing inside getting ready for planting season! All
participants will take home a seed planting kit. Meet at the backstop at 7th
and Ord at 9 a.m.
April 19- Earth Day/ Arbor
Day at Washington Park! What on earth is Arbor Day? What’s an arbor anyway? Join us at this tree
studded park to find out! We will talk about and identify trees and look for
wildlife around the park. Participants will take home an Earth Day/ Arbor Day
activity pack. Meet at the bandshell at 18th and Sheridan at 9 a.m.
May 17- Global Big Day/ World Migratory Bird Day Celebration at LaBonte Park! Global Big Day is May 10, so you have homework to do before our trek outdoors. On May 10, look around outside your own house and see what birds are there. Don’t worry if you aren’t familiar. Bring a description next week, and we will find out what you saw. What colors? How big? What sort of beak? Then, on May 17 let’s go to LaBonte Park to see what birds may be there! Will there be pelicans? Yellow headed black birds? What kinds of birds will we see in the trees and on the water? And what about tracks in the mud? Participants will go home with a bird glider! Meet at the picnic
shelter next to Feeding Laramie Valley at 9th and Sully at 9 a.m.
June 21: Welcome Summer
July 19: That's Batty!
August 16: Pollinator Party
September 20: Welcome Autumn
October 18: Spooky!
November 22: Joint event with Wyoming State Parks (indoor)
December 20: Welcome Winter
Afternoon/Evening Programs - Winter & Spring 2025
Programs are typically held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. We have moved our programming to a new location to allow easier access and parking:
Trinity Lutheran Church, 107 S. 7th Street. Snacks and bird chat at 6:30 p.m.
February 26 – Carlo Migliaccio - Wyoming State Parks. Come Learn about the Wyoming State Parks in the Laramie District! Carlo Migliaccio, Interpretative Ranger for the Laramie District of Wyoming State Parks, will share information on the parks, his work in them, and programs and projects available to attend and looking for volunteers. The Laramie District of the Wyoming State Parks includes multiple local sites, including the Wyoming Territorial Prison, the Ames Monument, the Quebec 1 Historic Site, and Curt Gowdy State Park. Come learn with LAS about what will be happening this spring, summer, and fall!
March 26 – Dr. Jeff Beck, Grouse Leks: Biology and Conservation. This year we have a Greater Sage-Grouse doubleheader consisting of this talk plus the April 12th field trip. Dr. Beck's research concentrates on wildlife habitat ecology and restoration ecology with a focus on restoring the functionality and structure of wildlife habitats in disturbed rangeland systems, particularly sagebrush habitats. We'll learn more about sage grouse and factors influencing their current populations. This talk will be great preparation for those planning to participate in the April 12 trip to the Greater Sage-Grouse lek located north of Laramie.
April 23 – LAS Small Grant Recipients and LAS collaborators
May 28 – Habitat Hero (gardening for birds/wildlife/pollinators) talk
Hutton Lake NWR: If coming from Laramie, head south on 3rd Street/ US-287, turn right onto County Road 22 (as if entering the cement plant), then turn left onto Sand Creek Road (parallel to railroad tracks - many people have missed this turn and mistakenly entered the cement plant parking lot). Stay on Sand Creek Road for about 8 miles, then turn right at the National Wildlife Refuge sign. To reach the viewing platform, continue west from the sign for approximately 0.75 miles, and then turn left (south) and follow the two track until it ends (approximately 0.4 miles).
Wyoming Hereford Ranch: From I-80, take Exit 367 (Campstool Road) and travel south approximately 1 mile to the entrance, which will be on the left. Follow the driveway for approximately 0.25 miles and park opposite the red barn.
Berry Biodiversity Conservation Center auditorium (Room 138). This building is located on the University of Wyoming campus at 10th and Lewis Streets. Due to recent construction in the area, there is no longer a parking lot across the street from the building - parking is available on surrounding streets.
Old Happy Jack Ski Area (a.k.a. the sledding hill): From Laramie, take Interstate 80 east 9.5 miles to WY 210 (Exit 323). Turn onto Exit 323 and go left at stop sign onto WY 210/ Happy Jack Rd, then 1 mile to Happy Jack Recreation Area sign.
Tom Thorn/Beth Williams WHMA: From Laramie, head north on 3rd Street (a.k.a. US HWY 30 / US HWY 287) to the junction with WY HWY 34 (a.k.a. Sybille Canyon Road). Proceed east on HWY 34 toward Wheatland for approximately 24.6 miles to entrance (gravel road) on the left. The entrance is very easy to miss! Watch for a paved pullout on the right, followed by a small brown sign stating "The Tom Thorne/Beth Williams Wildlife Habitat Management Area" - the entrance is approximate 1/4-mile past that pullout and 700 feet past the sign.