Showing posts with label Trip Announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trip Announcement. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Centennial Bird Hop - Saturday, February 22nd

Join us for a leisurely morning birding in Centennial.  We'll wander through the protected aspen groves within the downtown neighborhood and possibly up onto the hills.  After our meander, we will retreat to the Bear Bottom Café for a NO HOST coffee or early lunch.  The Bear Bottom typically has feeders visible through their large dining room windows, so the birding fun will continue even after we head indoors.  

Laramie-based folks will meet at 8:45 a.m. at First Street Plaza (corner of 1st Street and Grand Avenue) and caravan to Centennial.  If you would like to meet us in Centennial, look for the group in front of the Bear Bottom Café at approximately 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Saturday (4/20) BirdingTrip - Red Buttes

Meet at 8 a.m. at the University of Wyoming Red Buttes Lab (on the east side of US 287, 8.3 miles south of WYDOT). We will survey for migrant songbirds in both riparian corridors and short-grass prairie wetlands. Serving as a migratory stop over point for spring migrants, the Red Buttes research site (which is not typically open to the public) provides habitat for grassland, wetland, and riparian corridor birds. Hiking boots or shoes with good traction are a must. We will probably get a little muddy, but it will all be for the birds!
We need bird photos!  This Clark's Nutcracker was photographed
on a LAS trip to Centennial (photo credit: LAS member Lisa Cox).

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April Kids and Families Event - Migration Station! Saturday, April 6th

Our Kids and Families program returns to the Laramie Greenbelt for our April program.  We will learn about migration and look for migrating birds. Take home a bird craft that you can put together and make soar! Meet at the shelter by the parking lot off Garfield Street at 9 a.m. 

Accessibility information:  The Greenbelt's West Garfield Street parking lot includes accessible (paved) parking and restroom (porta-potty).  The shelter area is accessible and participants may utilize the flat, paved Greenbelt trail while participating in this event.  

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Christmas Bird Count - Saturday, December 16

 This year's CBC will begin at 8 a.m. and will be followed by an evening potluck.  Volunteers are needed to join our effort to count every bird in a 15-mile diameter circle around Laramie.  This will be the 46th count of the Albany County circle.   All levels of bird watchers, including feeder watchers, are welcome.  Although this international event was named the Christmas Bird Count more than 100 years ago, the event is secular, with Christmas denoting the season of the annual count.  Information regarding this international event is available on the website of the National Audubon Society:  

Volunteers are the backbone of the Christmas Bird Count!  Some teams walk, while others drive through the territory.  Volunteers should wear warm, layered clothing and boots, and bring water, snacks and binoculars (if available).  Feeder watchers are also welcome.  The event typically concludes with a evening potluck where the results are tallied - potluck information will be provided to participants when they register. 

Volunteers must register to receive a route assignment.  Check-in will be conducted at 7:30 a.m. at Coal Creek Coffee (downtown location) on the morning of the Count.  Contact Shay (307-286-1972; wolfhowlin@gmail.comfor information or to pre-register. 
The CBC occurs around the world on various dates in late December/early January.  The 2023 count of the Laramie Circle will be held on December 16.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

124th Annual Christmas Bird Count - Albany County Date Announced!

The Albany County Christmas Bird Count will be conducted on Saturday, December 16, beginning at 8 a.m.  Volunteers are needed to join our effort to count every bird in a 15-mile diameter circle around Laramie.  

This will be the 46th count of the Albany County circle.   All levels of bird watchers, including feeder watchers, are welcome.  Although this international event was named the Christmas Bird Count more than 100 years ago, the event is secular, with Christmas denoting the season of the annual count.  Information regarding this international event is available on the National Audubon Society website:  

Volunteers are the backbone of the Christmas Bird Count!  Some teams walk, while others drive through the territory.  Volunteers should wear warm, layered clothing and boots, and bring water, snacks and binoculars (if available).  Feeder watchers are also welcome.  The event typically concludes with a evening potluck where the results are tallied - potluck information will be provided to participants when they register. 

Volunteers for the Albany County circle must register to receive a route assignment.  Check-in will be conducted at Coal Creek Coffee (downtown location) on the morning of the Count.  Contact Shay (307-286-1972; wolfhowlin@gmail.comfor information, to pre-register, or to get Zoom call-in information. 

Monday, March 27, 2023

CANCELLED - Greater Sage-Grouse Lek Trip

A few weeks ago, I wrote: "Each year the Laramie Audubon Society schedules a trip to visit the Greater Sage-Grouse lek north of Laramie.  The lek is on private property and is accessed via an unimproved two track road.  Many years, weather/range conditions prevent access to the site (snow drifts, mud, etc.).  What will happen this year?"  

Well, we now (Tuesday, April, 4th) have the answer to that question.  The lek will not be accessible this year.  Tune in again next year.  

If you are itching to see some lekking grouse, you could participate in the Cheyenne-High Plains Audubon Society's April 15th trip to a Sharp-tailed Grouse lek near Hillsdale:  

With snow falling today, we are not optimistic.  However, a spate of warm, sunny, windy weather could dry the roads out in time for the trip.  So pencil it in on your calendar: Saturday, April 8th, departing from the Eppson Center (1560 N. 3rd Street) at 5:30 a.m.  Check this website on Friday April 7th to find out whether we are going!!   

We will be taking precautions to avoid disturbing the grouse as they strut upon their stage, including parking at a distance from the lek and quietly viewing the birds using binoculars or (hopefully!) a spotting scope from the parking area.  This trip requires no walking.  Dogs are not allowed on this trip.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Field Trip - Laramie Plains Lakes (Saturday, March 25)

Join us on Saturday for a driving tour of the lakes in the Laramie Valley with a focus on migrating waterfowl.  Bundle up, because the time along the lake shores will likely be quite chilly.  This trip will involve minimal walking within the dirt/gravel parking lots at the various lakes.  We typically visit a selection of the following, depending on ice conditions: Blakes' Pond, Gelatt Lake, Meeboer Lake, Twin Buttes Reservoir, and Lake Hattie.  

We'll meet at 1st Street Plaza (corner of 1st Street and Grand Avenue) at 8 a.m. and caravan from there, with participants arranging informal carpool groups if there is sufficient interest.  We typically spend about 3 hours on this trip, but attendees are free to leave sooner (or stay longer) if they have their own transportation. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Centennial "Bird Hop" - Saturday, February 25

 The Laramie Audubon Society is excited to resume one of our pre-Covid winter traditions next weekend (Saturday 2/25): the Winter Bird Hop!  We will meet in downtown Laramie (in First Street Plaza at the corner of 1st & Grand Ave) at 9 a.m. and then caravan/carpool approximately 30 miles west to Centennial, where we will wander the protected aspen groves in the downtown area.  Many Centennial residents put out birdfeeders in the winter, sometimes attracting species that are less common in Laramie, such as Rosy-Finches, Common Redpolls, Pine Grosbeak, and Evening Grosbeaks.  

When the group is ready for a break, we'll warm up at the Bear Bottom Bar and Grill with (no-host) coffee, hot chocolate, lunch, etc.  The cafe has large plate glass windows and several bird feeders, so we will continue "bird watching" while we enjoy our beverages/food.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

123rd Annual Christmas Bird Count - Volunteers Needed!

The Laramie Audubon Society will again take part in a 100-year-old Christmas tradition, the annual Christmas Bird Count. Volunteers are welcome to join in the count with the Laramie Audubon Society chapter of the National Audubon Society as it conducts the Albany County Christmas Bird Count on Saturday, December 17. This will be the 45th count of the Albany County circle. Volunteers are needed to help count every bird observed in the 15-mile diameter circle around Laramie on the day of the count. All levels of bird watchers, including feeder watchers, are welcome. Although this international event was named the Christmas Bird Count more than 100 years ago, it is is a secular program, with Christmas indicating the season of the annual count. Volunteers for the Albany County circle need to pre-register or attend one of two drop-in zoom calls to receive a route assignment. There will not be any in-person meetings prior to the count.
Contact Shay Howlin (307-286-1972; for information and to pre-register. National Audubon Society guidelines for COVID-19 include an option for participants to choose to mask at any time. Additionally, people with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.

Volunteers are the backbone of the Christmas Bird Count! Some teams walk, while others drive through the territory. Volunteers should wear warm, layered clothing and boots, and bring water, snacks and binoculars if you have them. Feeder watchers are also welcome.

Volunteers are invited to a chili supper where results will be compiled beginning at 4 pm the home of Shay Howlin. Potluck items welcome, but not required. Please contact Shay Howlin if you would like to be assigned a route early, would like forms for feeder watching, or have any questions (307-286-1972;

Additional Information - Drop-in zoom calls to assign routes on:

Wednesday December 14th from 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Wednesday December 14th from 5:30 to 6:30 pm

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Laramie Hotspots Field Trip - Saturday, September 17 (8 a.m.)

This Saturday we are hosting another trip within the City limits.  We'll start at Greenhill Cemetery, meeting at the main gate near the corner of 15th and Lewis Streets at 8 a.m.  Please use the on-street parking along Lewis or 15th rather than parking within the cemetery.  Depending on the birding and group preferences, we may remain at the cemetery or move on to other good birding spots within Laramie, any of which will be within causual bicycling distance.  More than 50 species have been documented in the cemetery this month, so it could shape up to be an exciting trip.  

Our full Fall field trip schedule is posted on the Events page:

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Saturday, June 4th - Dawn Chorus Birdsong Trip

Join us early Saturday morning (June 4th) as we wander through the riparian and forested habitats near the Happy Jack sledding hill listening to the dawn chorus of singing birds.  This trip will focus on identifying breeding species by the songs they use to defend territories and attract mates.  Last year's trip covered appoximately 1.5 miles on a gravel road.  However, the group may elect to walk on the area's trails (with some small hills and uneven footing) depending on attendee interests and needs.  We will meet at 5:30 a.m. in the Happy Jack trailhead parking lot.  

Directions:  From Laramie, take Interstate 80 east 9.5 miles to WY 210 (Exit 323).  Go left at the stop sign at the top of the exit ramp, left at the inersection with WY 210/Happy Jack Road, and then proceed approximately one mile to the Happy Jack Recreation Area sign on the right.  Travel down the gravel road to the parking lot on the right at the bottom of the hill.    

Monday, May 2, 2022

Wyoming Hereford Ranch

Saturday morning we will meet at 8 a.m. at the Wyoming Hereford Ranch headquarters in Cheyenne (directions below).  Based on recent eBird reports, the one-hour drive from Laramie is likely to be worthwhile!  Recent sightings include a Black-throated Gray Warbler, American and Lesser Goldfinches, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, a variety of sparrows and towhees!  Depending on the interests of participants, we will either spend all of our time at the Ranch headquarters area or leave time to visit one of the nearby reservoirs.

Note that we'll meet at the ranch at 8 a.m., which means participants should plan to depart Laramie around 7 a.m. The forecast for Saturday in Cheyenne looks balmy, so remember to bring water and sun protection in addition to the standard warm clothes, sturdy shoes, and birding supplies.  

Directions: From I-80, take Exit 367 (Campstool Road) and travel south approximately 1 mile to the entrance, which will be on the left.  Follow the driveway for approximately 0.25 miles and park opposite the red barn.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Saturday, April 30 - Laramie "Hot Spots"

We will meet Saturday morning at 8 a.m. at Greenhill Cemetery, outside of the cemetery office near the corner of Lewis and 15th Streets.  Please park outside of the cemetery - I recommend on-street parking either north of the entrance along 15th Street or west of the entrance on Lewis Street.  Or just ride your bike, as all destinations will be within the City limits.

Depending on the interests of the group and the luck that we have finding a diversity of birds, we may visit several locations: Greenhill Cemetery (flat paved and flat dirt roads), LaBonte Park (flat paved pathway), and/or the Greenbelt (flat paved pathway).  

Remember to bring warm clothes, sun protection, snacks, water, and your birding supplies!  We hope to have a spotting scope along on this trip, which will be particularly useful for viewing the waterfowl in LaBonte Pond.  

If you are looking for other in-town options when birding on your own, we recommend Spring Creek Pond (dirt trail at the east end of Spring Creek Drive) and Upper City Springs (fenced area visible from dirt roads at north end of Boulder Drive). 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Plains Lakes Field Trip - Meet Downtown

Saturday's field trip (3/26; 8 a.m.) will meet downtown at First Street Plaza (corner of 1st St. & Grand Avenue, next to Coal Creek Coffee)  --  this location is different than that originally posted on our Events page.  Apologies for any confusion!  Other information regarding this trip remains the same: we'll caravan to the Plains Lakes, hoping for a variety of ducks, other waterfowl, gulls, and raptors.  

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Spring Schedule

The Spring 2022 schedule for Laramie Audubon Society field trips and programs has been announced!  Please see our "Events" page for details: 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Field Trip - Animal Tracks in the Snow (January 29)

Dr. Gary Beauvais, Director of the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, will lead a snowshoe/cross-country ski trek through forest and riparian areas of the Medicine Bow National Forest on Saturday, January 29.  The focus of this trip, which is sponsored by the Laramie Audubon Society, will be learning how to identify winter animal tracks and unravel signs written into the winter snow. The group will also discuss existing knowledge regarding the natural history of the winter environment.  Attendees must provide their own equipment and be prepared for cold winter conditions.  Please dress in layers and bring plenty of snacks, water, and sun protection.  

The group will meet at 8:30 a.m. at the intersection of Highway 130 and Sand Lake Road, approximately 4 miles west of Centennial.  Parking will be in the cleared area at this intersection.  Attendees will return to Laramie by approximately 1 p.m.; those with their own transportation are free to leave at any time.  The backup date in case of bad weather is Saturday, February 5.

Tracks observed on prior trip: footprints and wing prints of Dusky Grouse.   
Photo courtesy of LAS Member Lisa Cox.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Field Trip - Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge

As many of you have observed, the Refuge is currently experiencing extremely low water levels.  The conditions are a result of a combination of factors including Summer 2020 Covid-19 restrictions for federal employees, the Refuge's junior water rights status, and irrigation system management in adjacent portions of the valley.  Despite the small percentage of the area with open water, eBirders continue to report a variety of waterfowl as well as raptors, numerous sparrow species, and warblers.  

We will meet at the viewing platform (see directions below) at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning (October 2).  The water levels are low, so anticipate substantial walking on uneven ground to reach locations where birds may be visible. 

Directions to Hutton Lake NWR:  If coming from Laramie, head south on 3rd Street/ US-287, turn right onto County Road 22 (as if entering the cement plant), then turn left onto Sand Creek Road (parallel to railroad tracks - many people have missed this turn and mistakenly entered the cement plant parking lot). Stay on Sand Creek Road for about 8 miles, then turn right at the National Wildlife Refuge sign.  To reach the viewing platform, continue west from the sign for approximately 0.75 miles, and then turn left (south) and follow the two track until it ends (approximately 0.4 miles).  

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Wyoming Hereford Ranch Field Trip (May 8th)

On Saturday morning (May 8th) we'll meet at the Wyoming Hereford Ranch visitor parking area in Cheyenne at 8 a.m.  From Laramie, travel east on I-80 to Exit 367 (Campstool Road); travel south approximately 1 mile to the Ranch entrance, which will be on the left (east) side of Campstool Road; drive several hundred yards up the driveway to the parking area adjacent to the big red barn.  The Ranch is privately owned but open to the public for birding; the National Audubon Society has designated it as an Important Bird Area:  

Please remember that LAS continues to require masks at our field trip, due to our tendency to crowd together in an effort to see the most exciting birds.  Register for this trip by sending an email to us at - please include your telephone number so that we can contact you if there is a last-minute change in plans!  

Monday, April 19, 2021

In-Town Field Trip - Saturday, April 24th

Join us on the Spring edition of our Laramie Hotspots field trip.  We will meet at 8 a.m. at the southeast corner of Lake LaBonte (a.k.a. Stink Lake) in LaBonte Park, near the corner of North 8th and Canby Streets.  After viewing the waterfowl and surveying the surrounding park areas for song birds, we'll decide where to go next.  Plan on two to four hotspots within the City limits, depending on how the birding is at each stop.  This is a bike-friendly outing, since the potential stops are within a mile or two (or less) of each other.   

Please remember that we continue to require masks on our trips.  We also encourage attendees to bring warm clothes, sturdy shoes, sun protection, water, and snacks, as well as binoculars and other birding equipment.  Most of the walking on this trip will be on level surfaces (e.g., the grass in the park, gravel roads at the cemetery, paved Greenbelt trail).  

We also continue to request that people register for LAS trips by sending a quick message to us at  The primary purpose of registration is to facilitate contact tracing in case of potential Covid-19 exposure.  However, if you include your phone number, we'll be able to call if the trip is cancelled at the last minute (apologies to those who didn't get the message about the cancellation of the lek trip!!).  

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Laramie Plains Lakes - Saturday, March 27th

Laramie Audubon Society's field trip season starts next week with our annual spring Laramie Plains Lakes excursion.  Join us Saturday morning (March 27th) to caravan around the Laramie Valley looking for waterfowl, raptors, and early migratory songbirds.  Migrating ducks have already begun appearing on open water, with local birders reporting Northern Shoveler, Common Golden-eye, Bufflehead, Northern Pintail, Gadwall, American Widgeon, Lesser Scaup, Canvasback, Redhead, Mallard, and other species of teal. 

This trip will meet at 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 27th in the parking lot on the west side of the West Laramie Fly Store (1657 Snowy Range Road).  The group will then caravan to various locations around the valley.  We anticipate heading back to Laramie by noon.  

Due to continued covid-19 safety considerations, we will not be encouraging or arranging carpool groups this season.  In addition, we request that all attendees (1) wear a face covering when outside of their personal vehicle and (2) remain mindful of keeping a safe distance from others.  Also, please register for the trip by emailing us (  Having attendees register allows us to anticipate the group size and plan social distancing measures accordingly; it also provides us a means to contact attendees if plans change.

The long-range forecast for next Saturday is cold (high of 33F) with light snow, so please be prepared with plenty of warm clothes, as well as sun protection, snacks, water, and birding equipment!  We are looking forward to trip and hope that you will be able to join us.  Check the Events tab of the blog for the full schedule of spring trips:    

Turkey, near Vedauwoo (photo courtesy of LAS member Liz Young)