Join us for a day-long field trip to observe and take part in songbird nesting ecology research! UWY PhD candidate Jason Carlisle will take us on a tour of his research sites in the Jeffrey City area.
When: Saturday, June 28 7am - 5pm (or return sooner if in your own vehicle)
Vesper Sparrow. Photo © Shawn Billerman. |
- See active nests (likely nestlings by that date, maybe some still on eggs) of Brewer's Sparrow, and likely Sage Thrasher and Vesper Sparrow.
- See areas mowed this past winter to improve Greater Sage-Grouse habitat.
- See songbird-fledgling-sized radio transmitters and try your hand at radio telemetry. We should have a handful of radioed Brewer's Sparrow fledglings to relocate.
- Beautiful sagebrush steppe!
Please bring: Snacks, lunch, and plenty of water. Be prepared for hot temperatures and variable weather –hats, sunscreen, bug repellant, rain gear, etc.
Optional: Snack/late lunch on the way home at the Split Rock Café in Jeffrey City.
RSVP: Anika Mahoney at
Minimum group size: 5 participants.
Want to turn this into a weekend trip? Camping is available in Jeffrey City (where Jason’s crew camps in trailers), and the Green Mountain Motel recently reopened here in town. I'm told it’s clean and costs $55 per night. The Split Rock Bar/Cafe has food/drink, restrooms, free internet, etc.