Our free program for this month will be a panel discussion with five panelists and a moderator. The panelists will be answering questions from the audience about wind energy development's potential impact on birds and wildlife. Wind energy development is just in its beginning stages here in Wyoming, and Albany and Laramie Counties have been suggested as the most desirable locations for wind farms. If you want to be informed when it's time to make public comments on potential wind farms, then you should attend this discussion.
Karl Kosciuch, Tetra Tech Inc.
Sophie Osborn, Wyoming Outdoor Council
Erik Molvar, Biodiversity Conservation Alliance
Daly Edmunds, Audubon Wyoming
Scott Gamo, Wyoming Game & Fish
Elizabeth Spaulding, Ruckleshaus Institute
Wednesday, Oct. 26
6:30 pm Refreshments in the lobby
7:00-9:00 pm Panel Discussion in the auditorium
UW Berry Center, 10th St. & Lewis St.
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