Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February Program

Laramie Audubon is hosting two programs tomorrow, Wednesday February 27th.

The first, an art exhibit by Beth Cochran, starts at 5PM at the Berry Center:

5:00 pm: "Furs and Feathers" photo exhibit, Beth Cochran
Photographs of specimens in the UW Vertebrate Collection
Wed., Feb. 27, 5-7pm, Berry Center

Join us for the kick-off event of UW Art student Beth Cochran's photo exhibit entitled "Furs and Feathers" on Wednesday, February 27, 5:00 – 7:00 pm in the Berry Center lobby. Beth will give a short presentation at 5:00, then be present to answer questions and provide information about her photos until 7:00. Free and open to the public.

The art exhibit is sponsored by UW Art Department http://www.uwyo.edu/art/, Biodiversity Institute http://www.uwyo.edu/biodiversity/, Vertebrate Collection http://www.uwyo.edu/biodiversity/vertebrate-museum/, and Laramie Audubon Society http://laramieaudubon.blogspot.com/.

6:30 pm: LAS Bird Chat and refreshments will be in conjunction with Beth Cochran’s photographs (Her exhibit reception begins at 5pm). You may still arrive at 6:30 or 7pm for Laramie Audubon program and will get a chance to see her photos.

7:00 pm: Sage-grouse as an umbrella species: is what’s good for the goose really good for the gander? – Jason Carlisle
Is Greater Sage-Grouse conservation beneficial for other inhabitants of the sagebrush steppe? The ecological concept known as the “umbrella species concept” holds promise as a means of streamlining the efforts of resource-strapped wildlife managers and extending conservation to oft-overlooked parts of the wildlife community such as non-game birds, small mammals, reptiles, and beyond. Simply stated, by focusing conservation efforts on a suitable umbrella species, managers hope to also benefit co-occurring wildlife with similar ecological requirements. Although the Greater Sage-Grouse has been informally adopted as the umbrella species of the iconic sagebrush steppe, this idea remains largely untested. Come learn how researchers from the WY Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit are setting out to test this idea using time-tested field methods and cutting-edge spatial analyses and how you can help.

Jason Carlisle, UW PhD student in Program in Ecology and Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.

As usual, the talk will be held in the auditorium of the Berry Center, room 138.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Great Backyard Bird Count

The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages.  By counting birds in real-time, we can create a snapshot of winter bird populations!

This year, anyone visiting the GBBC website will be able to see bird observations pouring in from around the world and contribute their own tallies. Global participation will be made possible thanks to eBird, a real-time online checklist program that the Cornell Lab and Audubon are integrating into the GBBC for the first time this year. The GBBC is open to anyone of any skill level and welcomes bird observations from any location, including backyards, national parks, gardens, wetlands, and urban landscapes. The four-day count typically receives sightings from tens of thousands of people reporting more than 600 bird species in the United States and Canada alone.

The top 10 from 2012:
1)   Northern Cardinal
2)   Mourning Dove
3)   Dark-eyed Junco
4)   Downy Woodpecker
5)   American Crow
6)   House Finch
7)   American Goldfinch
8)   Blue Jay
9)   Black-capped Chickadee
10) Tufted Titmouse

Friday, Feb 15 to Monday, Feb 18

What to do:
Count birds for as little as 15 minutes or as long as you wish.
Participate on one day to all four days.  Do what you want and can do!
Anyone can participate - from beginners to experts.

Where to report:
Report your sightings with others at birdcount.org.

The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is a joint partnership between Audubon and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, with Bird Studies Canada as its official Canadian partner.

Click here for more info from Audubon.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Laramie Conservation Expo

Laramie Audubon will be at the Conservation Expo tomorrow!

When: 9 am - 3 pm, Feb 9, 2013

What: The Laramie Conservation Expo promotes a responsible conservation ethic in the community by helping citizens learn about tools and methods to conserve water, energy and other resources. Participants can learn about such practices as composting, growing your own food, installing a wind turbine, purchasing a hybrid vehicle, water-efficient landscaping or building an energy-efficient home. More than 60 exhibitors, representing business, government, nonprofits and home practitioners, will give demonstrations and answer questions.

Vendors will display products to help with landscaping, green building, alternative energy, alternative transportation, recycling, local foods and environmental education. Government agencies and local nonprofits will explain their services. Experts will give presentations on smart energy choices, local foods and other topics.

Where: Albany County Fairgrounds Activity Center, 3520 US Highway 287, Laramie

Cost: Free and open to the public.

For more information, call (307) 721-0072 or visit www.lrcd.net or www.uwyo.edu/enr/upcoming-events.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Extinction before Identification?

From this week in Conservation Science by Conservation Magazine:

"Dour predictions that extinctions will outpace efforts to name Earth’s species are unfounded, scientists argue. With the help of amateurs and online tools, they say, researchers could catalogue most of the planet’s flora and fauna within a century." Read more here.

For more on how to get involved with online scientific opportunities for amateurs, here is a list from the most recent Audubon magazine:

Seafloor Explorer: mark bottom-dwelling creatures on the seafloor
Cyclone Center: help classify 30 years of cyclone images
Whale Fm: help identify whale songs
Old Weather: transcribe weather records from mid-19th century ship logs

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Grassland Birds & Black-tailed Prairie Dogs

Here is the abstract from a recently published scientific paper with interesting results showing differences in the grassland bird community on and off prairie dog colonies.

McCown's Longspur by Shawn Billerman
Augustine, D. J. and Baker, B. W. (2013), Associations of Grassland Bird Communities with Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs in the North American Great Plains. Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12013

Colonial burrowing herbivores can modify vegetation structure, create belowground refugia, and generate landscape heterogeneity, thereby affecting the distribution and abundance of associated species. Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) are such a species, and they may strongly affect the abundance and composition of grassland bird communities. We examined how prairie dog colonies in the North American Great Plains affect bird species and community composition. Areas occupied by prairie dogs, characterized by low percent cover of grass, high percent cover of bare soil, and low vegetation height and density, supported a breeding bird community that differed substantially from surrounding areas that lacked prairie dogs. Bird communities on colony sites had significantly greater densities of large-bodied carnivores (Burrowing Owls [Athene cunicularia], Mountain Plovers, [Charadrius montanus], and Killdeer [Charadrius vociferus]) and omnivores consisting of Horned Larks (Eremophila alpestris) and McCown's Longspurs (Rhynchophanes mccownii) than bird communities off colony sites. Bird communities off colony sites were dominated by small-bodied insectivorous sparrows (Ammodramus spp.) and omnivorous Lark Buntings (Calamospiza melanocorys), Vesper Sparrows (Pooecetes gramineus), and Lark Sparrows (Chondestes grammacus). Densities of 3 species of conservation concern and 1 game species were significantly higher on colony sites than off colony sites, and the strength of prairie dog effects was consistent across the northern Great Plains. Vegetation modification by prairie dogs sustains a diverse suite of bird species in these grasslands. Collectively, our findings and those from previous studies show that areas in the North American Great Plains with prairie dog colonies support higher densities of at least 9 vertebrate species than sites without colonies. Prairie dogs affect habitat for these species through multiple pathways, including creation of belowground refugia, supply of prey for specialized predators, modification of vegetation structure within colonies, and increased landscape heterogeneity.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More Mimickry!

I came across a couple of amazing examples of birds mimicking human speech on Buzzfeed and wanted to share the videos with you all! It seemed particularly apropos following Julie's post on mimickry.
First, an amazing Common Myna named Kaleo who was raised by a human from the age of about 3 days old:

Here is another myna making an appearance on The Johnny Carson Show (some of you may remember Jack Hanna of the Columbus Zoo appearing on late-night talk shows with a host of animals- seeing him on TV as a child was one of the reasons I became a biologist!) :

And finally, Pepper, a European Starling that was rehabilitated after being found at a very early age with a broken leg, making an incredible array of vocalizations:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

More on the CBC

Fellow board member Anika pointed out this recent podcast from Science Friday about the Christmas Bird Count. For more information on the CBC check out the National Audubon site. More locally, Eve Newman, Outdoors reporter for the Laramie Boomerang, accompanied my team the day of the count and wrote an article about this year's event in Laramie.

A Not So Silent Spring

I came across this article from Conservation Magazine yesterday, albeit a couple years old, but it's very interesting. The article is about birds incorporating human noises into their vocal repertoire.

A male European blackbird was terrorizing the neighborhood. For several months, he started singing at around 5 a.m. each day, but this was no ordinary song. The bird imitated the sounds of ambulance sirens and car alarms at a jarringly life-like volume. It even produced cell-phone ring tones that went unanswered for hours.

The tale of the annoying blackbird in Somerset, U.K., was not unique. Hans Slabbekoorn, an assistant professor of behavioral biology at Leiden University in The Netherlands, had heard similar stories—but he was skeptical that such bizarre reports could be true. So he started asking people to send him recordings of the off-kilter blackbirds. Sure enough, what he got back was pitch-perfect imitations of urban noises, including not just sirens and car alarms but even the distinctive sound of a golf cart backing up—mimicked by blackbirds living near a golf course.

While the sounds seemed artificial, the reason birds were making them was surprisingly natural....continued here.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Laramie CBC results are in!

Gray-crowned Rosy-finch by Shawn Billerman
Laramie's Christmas Bird Count was held December 15, 2012 with 38 participants working in 15 teams. There were 50 species and 4851 individuals observed. The weather was the best we've had in years: overcast with scant wind.  Highlights included crossbills, rosy-finches, redpolls, and a few lingering blackbirds.

Canada Goose    1
Gadwall    1
Mallard    123
Green-winged Teal    4
Common Goldeneye    4
Bald Eagle    5
Northern Harrier    3
Red-tailed Hawk    1
Ferruginous Hawk    3
Rough-legged Hawk    16
Golden Eagle    3
American Kestrel    1
Merlin    4
falcon sp.    2
Wilson's Snipe    20
Rock Pigeon    1059
Eurasian Collared-Dove    231
Mourning Dove    16
Great Horned Owl    1
Downy Woodpecker    2
Hairy Woodpecker    2
Northern (Red-shafted) Flicker    15
Northern Shrike    2
Steller's Jay    2
Blue Jay    1
Clark's Nutcracker    1
Black-billed Magpie    28
American Crow    570
Common Raven    298
Horned Lark    2
Black-capped Chickadee    21
Mountain Chickadee    174
Red-breasted Nuthatch    59
White-breasted Nuthatch    4
Brown Creeper    4
Townsend's Solitaire    11
American Robin    497
American Tree Sparrow    28
Song Sparrow    1
White-crowned Sparrow    1
sparrow sp.    30
Dark-eyed Junco    3
Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco    15
Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco    3
Snow Bunting    5
Red-winged Blackbird    4
Brewer's Blackbird    2
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch    132
House Finch    112
Red Crossbill    65
White-winged Crossbill    1
crossbill sp.    42
Common Redpoll    2
Evening Grosbeak    2
House Sparrow    1212

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Specimens, Bald Ibis, and Razorbills

Northern Bald Ibis or Waldrapp
(Wikimedia Commons)
In my morning perusal of The New York Times, I came across this 2011 series on collecting. I thought it might interest others and it relates to our December public talk.

At the same time, my fiance was reading his Swiss newspaper and came across a story on a Northern Bald Ibis that took a wrong turn in migration this year and ended up in Spain. The Northern Bald Ibis, or Waldrapp, is a critically endangered species that, unlike other ibis species, prefers to nest on cliffs in arid regions. For more on this interesting species, check out the website here (click on the British flag for the English version).

And that story reminded me of a recent article I read on the eBird site on an invasion of Razorbills in Florida this winter. There must be something wrong when a pelagic seabird from the north shows up in numbers in tropical waters. You can read about the Razorbill invasion here.

Julie Hart, LAS Secretary

Monday, December 3, 2012

Welcome New Board Members!

At the last public meeting held Nov 28, Laramie Audubon members unanimously elected three new board members and approved the renewal of existing board members up for re-election. The three new board members are:

Vicki Henry: long-time Laramie Audubon member and past board member and officer
James Maley: curator of the Vertebrate Museum at the University of Wyoming
Anika Mahoney: graduate student in Zoology at the University of Wyoming

Please welcome our new board members!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Is this 'Bird Armageddon'?

Since 1966 UK bird population has decline by 44 million which amounts to just under a million birds a year (over 45 years), which is dismal November news indeed.

Yesterday (November 19th) the RSPB published their most extensive survey of the UK’s bird populations over the last 4 decades (including data from 2011); ‘The state of the UK’s birds 2012’. SUKB2012, as it is also known, is a collaborative affair between NGO’s and the UK’s governmental nature conservation agencies: RSPB, BTO, WWT, NE, NIEA, SNH and JNCC. The report uses a mix of indicators to assess the populations of wild birds, seabirds and wintering birds throughout the UK and overseas territories. All species are given a conservation status (red, amber or green) in accordance with the criteria set out in the BTO’s document Birds of Conservation 3, 2009.

View the full story on the British Ecological Society blog here.