We have six members running to fill openings on our Board. Candidates are not running against each other--please vote for each candidate based on their individual merit.
2017 Laramie Audubon prospective board members:
Laurel Armstrong started birding with her daughter in May 2016. It has been an
awesome experience and LAS has played a large part in developing her love of
birds. The field trips have been a great source of knowledge as well as a whole
lot of fun. Her academic background is in engineering, but most of her life has
been devoted to being a parent. She is excited to contribute to Laramie Audubon
and the birds of Wyoming in a small way by joining the board.
Art Denison has had a lifelong
interest in birds and has been an Audubon member for over 50 years. He is a retired professor of Physics at the
University of Wyoming, and was manager of a physics group at the Idaho National
Laboratory and Livermore National Laboratory for 30 years. He is a lifelong student, still auditing
classes in ornithology and neurology at UW.
He regularly attends LAS field trips and meetings, and enjoys
participating in the organization. He is
excited at the prospect of contributing more to the Laramie Audubon Society as
a member of the board.
Paul Dougherty started
birding while attending summer camp at his local Massachusetts Audubon
sanctuary as a kid. Over
the years, participating in Christmas Bird Counts and Bird-a-thons helped to
transform his interest in birds into an aspiration for a career in
ornithology. He is currently a PhD
student at the University of Wyoming studying avian speciation. He has enjoyed attending field trips since
moving to Laramie this past fall, and is excited to continue birding with
Laramie Audubon members, and expand his participation in the organization.
Sue Favret started birding
while hiking, and quickly realized how much help others can be in bird
identification. She joined Illinois Audubon and with them monitored bluebird
boxes, worked on habitat improvement, and participated in various other Audubon
activities. She can recount with joy the first personal sightings of a number
of species. She’s running for the board of Laramie Audubon to give back to the
birding community from which she has gained so much.
Zoe Gustafson recently moved to Rock River to work
for WEST Inc as a data analyst. She hopes
to combine her passions of ornithology and statistics into a career as a
Biometrician. Since moving to Laramie,
she has come on some recent fall field trips and has enjoyed learning about all
the bird species in the area. She is
excited to be a part of a group in the community that promotes something that she
loves—avian conservation! She says that
if elected to the board, members can count on her to work hard to make Laramie
Audubon even better.