Sunday, April 16, 2017

Nest monitoring at Hutton - Volunteers needed

Laramie Audubon will be monitoring Tree Swallow nest boxes at Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge this summer, and we are looking for volunteers to help! We'll be monitoring from mid-May to early July.

If this sounds like fun and you want to learn more, please join us for an info session Thursday, April 27. We will meet in room 217 of the Berry Center at 6 pm.

Contact Lindsey Sanders with any questions.

Click the image below to download the flyer.

Upcoming trip: Laramie hotspots

Join us on a journey through the best birding spots within Laramie this Saturday, April 22. We'll look for migrating songbirds, especially warblers and sparrows. We usually visit Greenhill Cemetery, Labonte Park, and the Greenbelt. After birding, we will clean up our section of the Greenbelt.

We will meet at 8 am at Coal Creek Coffee downtown to carpool. Bring binoculars and field guides, dress for the weather, and bring water and snacks. This is a great trip for beginning birders and families.

Myrtle x Audubon's Warbler Hybrid

Friday, April 14, 2017

Volunteers needed for Mountain Plover and Sharp-tailed Grouse research

If you're interested in volunteering on avian research in Wyoming this spring/summer, check out these two opportunities through the University of Wyoming:

Volunteer Opportunity--Mountain Plover
Researchers at the University of Wyoming are looking for volunteers to help re-sight banded Mountain Plovers in Thunder Basin National Grassland. Volunteers will get a tour of field sites with a visit to an active nest (and a hatching event if the timing is right!) and potentially a banding demonstration, along with an overview of the ecology of Thunder Basin. Songbird and raptor diversity in the area is high (check out eBird sightings!), and both burrowing owls and swift foxes were regular sightings on colonies last year, so there are also lots of great opportunities for wildlife photography. Click the image below to download the flyer. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Courtney Duchardt for more details:

Volunteer Opportunity--Columbia Sharp-tailed Grouse
Researchers at the University of Wyoming are looking volunteers to help identify locations of new leks in the Baggs area this spring (April - May). The ideal search time is between twilight and an hour after sunrise, so volunteers would need to stay at field housing provided outside of Baggs. Volunteers who can commit to 3-4 days are preferred, especially if you are also interested in helping with grouse trapping efforts. In general, volunteers should be responsible and preferably have some field experience. You will also need to provide your own transportation to Baggs and while lek searching, preferably in a truck and/or an ATV as the roads can be rough. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Aaron Pratt for more details:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Laramie Bird Notes -- 4/1 - 4/11

Apologies for not posting last week. I was buried in reading/writing for my qualifying exams with little time for anything else!

Spring migration is really hopping right now -- it seems like new arrivals are a daily occurrence. Where to start...

Shorebird migration is just getting started, with Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, and Wilson's Snipe being reported recently. Other species should be showing up soon, including the fan favorite Mountain Plover, so keep your eyes peeled. The plains lakes and Old Laramie River Road north of town are great places to look for shorebirds. There is also a small pond right near the intersection of 287 N and Highway 34 that can be quite good.

In other waterbird news, Wood Ducks, Blue-winged Teal, Ruddy Duck, Franklin's Gull, White-faced Ibis, Eared Grebe, Horned Grebe, and Pied-billed Grebe have all moved into the area.

Passerine migration is really starting to pick up across all habitat types. Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Mountain Bluebirds have just started to move into the mountains. Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Say's Phoebes, Loggerhead Shrikes, and McCown's Longspurs are all making their way back to the plains. Mourning Doves have been seen around town and the first Yellow-rumped Warblers of the season should be here any day now!

Finally, just yesterday the first Swainson's Hawks of the spring were spotted in several locations around town!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Conservation Expo - April 15

Come down to the Albany County Fairgrounds this Saturday, April 15, to learn about your local conservation agencies, educators, and businesses! The Conservation Expo is hosted annually by the Laramie Rivers Conservation District. The event will run 9 am - 3 pm at the Activities Building on the fairgrounds.  Laramie Audubon will have a booth--hope to see you there.

More info about the Expo, including a partial list of agencies who will attend, is here. The Facebook event page is here.

Bonus photo of Hutton Lake. Conservation is why we have great public land like this!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Trip report: Hutton Lake NWR, 08 April

Today, nineteen Auduboners headed out to Hutton Lake NWR. Fortunately, the wind was light early in the trip, so we had easy viewing of waterfowl on Rush and Hogue Lakes. Ducks and coots are at Hutton Lake NWR in great abundance. We had 12 duck species, but I wouldn't be surprised if we missed some, as the lighting was poor and the wind was ferocious by the time we scanned Hutton. We also found Tree Swallows, recently returned to the area and starting to stake their claim to the nest boxes located around the refuge. We were also treated to both Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Marsh Wrens chasing each other through the rushes, and both Golden and Bald Eagles.

You can view our complete list of species here. If you were on the trip and want to be on the eBird checklist, shoot me an email.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Upcoming trip: Hutton Lake NWR

We will bird Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge this Saturday, April 8. The refuge is one of the best places to bird this time of year--we should see ducks, shorebirds, grebes, raptors, and recently arrived songbirds. Migration is in full swing, so we could luck into a rarity!

We will meet at Coal Creek Coffee at 8 am to preemptively caffeinate and carpool. Please bring binoculars, a spotting scope if you have one, field guides, and snacks and drinks. Be prepared for windy conditions. Our trips to Hutton usually last until noon, but anyone is free to leave early if they bring their own vehicle or coordinate with carpool buddies.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Laramie Bird Notes -- Week of 3/20/2017

Bird activity continues to increase in the area as migrants keep trickling in!

On the plains, Says' Phoebe, Brewer's Blackbird, Sage Thrasher, Cinnamon and Blue-winged Teal are recent arrivals, and Western Meadowlarks showed up in huge numbers seemingly overnight this week. Indeed, during this past weekend's trip to the Greater Sage-Grouse lek north of town, several meadowlarks serenaded the group as we enjoyed the truly bizarre courtship ritual of 56 grouse.

New migrants in town include a somewhat early Ruby-crowned Kinglet for the Laramie Valley on UW campus. Another early migrant was a Red-naped Sapsucker found in a patch of aspens on the east end of town. Common Grackles joined the Red-winged Blackbird flocks around town as well. While Northern Goshawks can be found in the mountains year-round, a young bird soaring over UW campus this week was a nice surprise. Finally, Turkey Vultures are slowly but surely making their way back, with a few reports coming in this week from around town.

Black Rosy Finch. Photo by Nate Behl.
The mountain bird community continues to increase in diversity. American Robins, Townsend's Solitaire's, and Gray-headed Juncos have all returned to high elevations in the Snowy Range. Cassin's Finches continue to increase in number as well and can be heard singing relentlessly from tree tops. An American Goldfinch and a Mountain Bluebird at ~11,000 ft in the Snowies were somewhat odd sightings for the time of year. American Three-toed Woodpeckers have started drumming in spruce forests where they seem to be moderately common and taking advantage of the extensive bark beetle outbreak. Rosy-finches put in a good show this past week, with a handful of Brown-cappeds and Gray-crowneds seen at feeders around Centennial. A flock of 50 rosy finches on an exposed, south-facing slope higher up in the Snowies had all three species, including a gorgeous male Black Rosy Finch!

American Three-toed Woodpecker. Photo by Cody Porter.

In non-bird news, Tiger Salamander migration has picked up around La Bonte park. Be on the lookout for moving salamanders on rainy nights for the rest of the spring! Also, a pasque flower was found in bloom in the Snowies!

Blooming pasque flower. Photo by Cody Porter.

Tiger Salamander. Photo by Cody Porter.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Upcoming talk: Small Grants updates

Please join us this coming Wednesday, March 29 for two talks by our most recent Small Grants recipients. Both Gabe and Andy received LAS funds to help with their research efforts. See below for descriptions of their projects.

As usual, we will meet in the Berry Center auditorium. Parking adjacent to the building is free after 5 pm. Bird chat and refreshments begin at 6:30 pm, and the talks will begin at 7:00 pm.

Sick and tired of being sick and tired: Can amphibians combat a deadly disease? by Gabe Barille

In recent decades, many amphibian populations have declined worldwide, and conservation relies on understanding how different stressors affect these amphibians. This research studied how boreal toad movement and habitat selection changed in the presence of livestock grazing and disease in western Wyoming. By assessing how multiple stressors may interact to influence amphibian behavior, ecology, and habitat quality, we may provide a framework for future research evaluating amphibian declines.

CSI Medicine Bow: Where have all the frogs gone? by Andy Gygli

Amphibians play critical roles in ecosystem function and are declining globally. Good conservation depends on accurate distribution data, but searching for a two inch long, camouflaged and aquatic animal is especially challenging. How can we use new DNA technology for more accurate surveying and more effective management?

 Photos courtesy of Gabe and Andy.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Laramie Bird Notes -- Week of March 13

It's beginning to feel a lot like spring in the Laramie Valley, though we're not celebrating just yet. Nevertheless, the warm weather has really stirred up bird activity in the past week!

Waterbird migration continues to supply the bulk of new birds to the area, with American White Pelicans, Double-crested Cormorant, American Coot, Northern Shoveler, Greater Scaup, and Cinnamon Teal making appearances on the plains lakes recently. Ring-billed, Herring, and California Gulls have also moved back into the area in good numbers. Now would be a good time to pick through those gulls carefully, as there are several interesting species along the Front Range that could conceivably make their way through our area soon (Thayer's, Iceland, and Mew Gull among these species). Great Blue Herons, Sandhill Cranes, and Killdeer are also new additions this week.

In town, Northern Flickers, House Finches, Song Sparrows, Eurasian Collared-Doves, and Pine Siskins are all singing. Juncos are still around, though less common than a few weeks ago when we had colder weather. American Robins have also made a major push into the area and seem to be setting up territories.

Sandhill Cranes. Photo by Nate Behl.

On the plains, Mountain Bluebirds and Horned Larks continue to increase in numbers. Curiously, there are still no Western Meadowlark reports from the plains, though they are almost certainly out there. McCown's and Chestnut-collared Longspurs are making their way up the plains along the Front Range and should be arriving in the next week or so, as should Say's Phoebes. A Marsh Wren at Gelatt Lake marks the first of this species in the area this year.

Pine Grosbeaks, Pine Siskins, and Red Crossbills continue to impress in the Snowies. By contrast, passerine numbers are just starting to increase in the Laramie Range, most notably with the arrival of American Robins. Male Dark-eyed Juncos were heard countersinging in the Snowies, suggesting that Gray-headed Juncos may have arrived and are setting up territories, though no visuals were obtained. At least one Bohemian Waxwing was found along Sand Lake Rd. in the Snowies. As the snow continues to melt, south facing slopes with juniper and bearberry are being exposed, providing food for this and other frugivorous species. Hairy Woodpeckers were also heard singing and drumming in both the Laramie and Snowy Ranges this week and a couple Dusky Grouse were found in the Snowies.

Sadly, Saturday's owling trip to various places in the Laramie Range failed to yield a single owl, as did at least one trip to the Snowies. It's possible that we're just a bit early for owls to be easily detected. Nevertheless, several moths were found flying around at night in both locations, and butterflies should be emerging any day now -- Mourning Cloaks and Milbert's Tortoiseshells were seen in Cheyenne and Curt Gowdy State Park. In other non-avian news, Tiger Salamanders, Boreal Chorus Frogs, and possibly Wandering Garter Snakes should be emerging any day now.

The next few weeks should be quite exciting. This is the time of the year when spring migration combined with heavy, wet spring snowstorms can produce magical birding opportunities in the Rockies. At least some snow is forecast for this week, so get out there!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Upcoming trip: Plains Lakes

This Saturday, March 25 we will head out to the Plains Lakes for some spring birding. This is a great opportunity to learn duck identification and visit some of the best birding spots in the Laramie Plains. We usually stop by Blake's Pond, Meeboer Lake, Gelatt Marsh, and Lake Hattie.

This trip will take place after the sage-grouse lek trip. Feel free to join us for either or both trips! Meet at Coal Creek Coffee at 8 am to caffeinate and carpool. Bring binoculars and a spotting scope if you have one, dress for the weather, and bring water and snacks. We should be back in Laramie around noon.

Male Lesser Scaup Closeup

Upcoming trip: Sage-grouse lek

This Saturday, March 25, we will head out to a Greater Sage-Grouse lek north of Laramie. Come and watch these iconic birds strut their stuff on their display ground.

Meet at 6 am at the Eppson Senior Center parking lot, at Curtis St. and 3rd St. We will carpool to the lek at 6:10 am sharp.  The early start is totally worth it--there's nothing like being audience to dozens of male Sage-Grouse calling and dancing to attract mates.

In case of inclement weather or poor road conditions, we will reschedule to April 1. This post will be updated in case of cancellation, and we will send out an update email. If you have any questions, contact us via email.

Greater Sage Grouse