Meet at intersection of Hwy 130 & Sand Lake Road at 9 a.m. on Saturday, January 25 Saturday, February 1. BYO equipment. See other post, below, for more details.
Information about birds, birding, and how to protect birds in the Laramie, Wyoming area, including our local Habitat Heroes program.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
XC Ski/Snowshoe "Winter Tracking Trip" POSTPONED TO FEBRUARY 1
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Christmas Bird Count Again Sets New Record
The 49th Albany County Christmas Bird Count was held on December 15, 2024. Thirty-four participants conducted field surveys or watched feeders during count day, and observers spent 66 party-hours afield. Effort in 2024 was higher than an average count between 1975 and 2023 for participants (20) and party-hours (45). We recorded a total of 6,772 individual birds (107 birds/party-hour), which greatly exceeded the average of 3,155 birds (71.8 birds/party-hour) recorded on previous counts. A great effort given the blustery day! Thanks to all field and feeder observers who made the 2024 Christmas Bird Count a huge success.
For the second year in a row, we tallied more species during both count day (54) and count week (57), surpassing 2023 records of 47 species during count day and 54 species including count week. New species for the Albany County count in 2024 included a count day male Wood Duck, found by Spencer Hurt and Kyler Smith on the Spring Creek Pond creek, and an immature Black-crowned Night Heron, observed by Mary Schvetz along the Laramie River Greenbelt Trail, and a Gray Catbird, found by Laurel Armstrong in her backyard, during count week. Al Zerbe added a backyard White-crowned Sparrow during count week. These additional three species raised the total to 100 species observed during 49 years of Albany County counts.
Although temperatures were relatively mild, high winds (maximum gusts of 53 mph at the airport!) hampered finding some songbirds. Despite the winds, high counts for several species were achieved in 2024 (in addition to the three new ones above) including Mallard (1,659 individuals), Green-winged Teal (200), Eurasian Collared-Dove (450), Sharp-shinned Hawk (4), Ferruginous Hawk (3), American Kestrel (3), White-throated Sparrow (2), and Great-tailed Grackle (9). Compared to the average count adjusted for effort (1975–2023), more species and numbers of waterfowl were recorded in 2024, whereas winter finches (e.g., crossbills, grosbeaks, rosy-finches) were less abundant. Rough-legged Hawks were noticeably absent from much of the count circle. A table of results is WYAC 2024 Results.
Thanks again to all who participated in this record-setting year. I hope everyone had fun time and will plan on joining our 50th count next year.
Photos by Heather Johnson: White-throated Sparrow, Mallard, Ferruginous Hawk, Black-crowned Night Heron.
Brad A. Andres
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Clues in the Snow: Bird and Mammal Tracking Trip (Snowshoe/XC Ski Outing)
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Clark's Nutcracker observed during previous Laramie Audubon Trip (near Centennial, WY). |
Dr. Gary Beauvais, Director of the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, will lead a snowshoe/cross-country ski trek through forest and riparian areas of the Medicine Bow National Forest on Saturday, January 25 Saturday, February 1. This trip, sponsored by the Laramie Audubon Society, will focus on identification of animal tracks and other signs written into the winter snow. The group will also discuss the natural history of the winter environment. This is a favorite annual trip and we learn something new each year!
Attendees must provide their own equipment* and be prepared for cold winter conditions. Please dress in layers and bring plenty of snacks, water, and sun protection. *Please coordinate with us if you need snowshoes - one of our members has a few extra pair and has offered to lend them to trip participants. UW students can check with the UW Outdoor Program for equipment. Local outdoor stores also have daily rentals available.
The group will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the intersection of Highway 130 and Sand Lake Road (approximately 6.3 miles west of Centennial). Attendees will return to Laramie by approximately 1 p.m.; those with their own transportation are free to leave at any time. Some participants may elect to stop in Centennial for a no-host lunch (depending on group interest). Backup date (in case of bad weather) - Saturday, February 1 (we are postponing and will host the trip on this backup date - FEBRUARY 1 - due to the forecast for the original date).Monday, December 9, 2024
Congratulations to Our Fall 2024 Small Grant Recipients!
Conservation Grants - Fall 2024
Laramie Audubon thanks the numerous applicants to our Fall 2024 grant cycle. We award grants to a variety of conservation-related projects each Spring and Fall. This season we awarded grants of $500 to two outstanding projects:
- Enhancing Wyoming toad recovery through disease mitigation: bolstering individual disease resistance mechanisms through immunization and probiotics
- Bug Day: Fostering Laramie’s Aquatic Biodiversity Awareness and Conservation of Sensitive Aquatic Ecosystems
See our Grants page to learn more about these projects. Applications for our next funding cycle are due on March 31, 2025.
Annual Albany County Christmas Bird Count
Interested in participating in the 2024 Christmas Bird Count? This year's Albany County count will take place on Sunday, December 15. The event begins at 8 a.m., however, teams can count in the morning and/or afternoon. Feeder-watchers are also welcome. Contact Brad for more information:
Friday, November 8, 2024
Birds of Eastern Australia - Evening Program, November 20th
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Spooky Scavenger Hunt held on a perfect Fall morning.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Are You a Habitat Hero?
We are starting a Habitat Hero Program to help Albany County residents improve their landscape to benefit birds, pollinators, and other wildlife!
The following article was originally posted on our blog in 2015. Now that we are starting a Laramie-based Habitat Hero program, we thought our readers might be interested in revisiting the 2015 post!
Habitat Heroes are people who practice a form of landscape stewardship, called ‘wildscaping’ - landscaping designed to attract and benefit birds, pollinators and other wildlife. Whether the landscape you tend is a residential yard, a few pots on a balcony, a public park, or schoolyard garden, Habitat Heroes believe in growing a healthy community. By combating the loss of open spaces and creating green corridors that link your wildscape to larger natural areas by providing habitat for wildlife we can feel good about doing something positive for ourselves, the environment and our wild friends.
Take part in the Audubon Rockies Habitat Hero program to provide resources for birds and other wildlife! [2024 note: stay tuned to learn more about the Laramie-based program!]
Monday, October 14, 2024
Spooky Kids and Families Event - Saturday, November 2
American Goldfinch, Photo courtesy of Laramie Audubon Society Member Heather Johnson |
For our final scavenger hunt** of 2024, think of what we see at Halloween - bats, black cats, owls, witches, skeletons, spiders and more. All of these will be on our scavenger hunt list.
We will meet at the Bandshell in the SW corner of Washington Park at 9 a.m. to learn about the items on our list, and then will go hunting for them! All kids and families will pick a craft to assemble at home or, if weather is good, at the Park if preferred.
This year we will make crows, bats or black cats!
** Although November 2nd is our final scavenger hunt, there are two additional Kids and Families events scheduled in 2024 - November 16th and December 21st. See our Events page for more information.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Fall 2024 Events Schedule (and New Location for Evening Programs)
We've updated the Events page with our Fall schedule. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming field trips, Kids and Families programs, or monthly evening programs.
Evening Programs are Moving!
After much discussion and a thorough search, LAS has decided to move our monthly programs to a new location. We are thankful to the Berry Center for allowing us to use the auditorium for several years, but since the University of Wyoming installed a pedestrian plaza on Lewis Street around the entrance of the building, attendance at LAS programs has decreased dramatically, with some members stating that lack of available parking in the vicinity is their reason for no longer coming to programs.
Our new location, effective with Fall 2024 programs beginning in September, will be at Trinity Lutheran Church, 107 S 7th Street (near Ace Hardware and across 7th Street from the Ivinson Museum and Alice Hardie Stevens Center.) The space is café style, with round tables seating up to 39 people, and with a kitchen attached. During programs requiring more space, we will move downstairs to an auditorium-classroom style set up. Both spaces are accessible, and while the church does not charge for our use of space, the Board has voted to make a money contribution for each time we hold a meeting there. There is ample on-street parking around the church, as well as a parking lot in the rear (access is from University Ave.). The location is close to downtown and campus. If you have questions about this move, or about the space or how to get there, please let us know at
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Hutton Lake Field Trip Yields Shorebirds and a Surprise Gull
A small group of us birded Hutton National Wildlife Refuge on September 7, 2024. There was only water in Hoge and George Lake, and the shallow levels at Hoge created great shorebird habitat. We were rewarded with 12 shorebird species feeding in the lake, including rather large numbers of Lesser Yellowlegs (72) and Stilt Sandpipers (48). We were treated to four other "peep" species (Pectoral, Least, Western, and Semipalmated Sandpipers) and three Semipalmated Plovers. The highlight at Hoge Lake was the observation of a first-cycle Sabine's Gull. We got great looks at the young bird feeding on the shoreline and got to see the diagnostic tri-colored wing pattern when it took to fly and was being chased by an immature Bald Eagle. Luckily this beautiful little gull escaped being the eagle's brunch. Sabine's Gulls breed in the arctic regions of Alaska and Canada, as do many of the shorebirds we observed, and spend their winter in subtropical and tropical upwelling zones off the coast of western South America. Small numbers can be found on lakes and reservoirs in Wyoming during fall migration. Good numbers of Brewer's and Vesper Sparrows were present in the uplands and a smattering of ducks, mostly still in eclipse plumage, were observed on George Lake. For the trip, we recorded 37 species of birds.
Stilt Sandpipers (Heather Johnson)
Lesser Yellowlegs (Heather Johnson)