We will meet at Coal Creek Coffee at 8 am this Saturday, March 10, to caffeinate and carpool
out to Centennial. We'll do the same route as last year, unless
something crazy strikes us, beginning in the Beartree yard, checking out
the scene across the street, and then walking behind the tavern through
the neighborhood, doing some feeder watching. From there we will drive
to the Albany Lodge for breakfast, where we will be able to look out
over the deck to see what birds may have returned after another year
without the cats around.
Originally billed as a feeder-watching trip to look for rosy finches, last year's trip yielded none of the finches, but we did see a number of others, including evening grosbeak, black-billed magpie, Stellar's jay, mountain and black-capped chickadee, downy woodpecker, Oregon dark-eyed junco, Clark's nutcracker, Canada geese, bald eagle, common raven, horned lark and a couple of unidentified raptors. We hope to see at least a few of all these, along with those rosy finches and others this year.
This is a laid back trip, including a chance to eat breakfast together and chat.
Originally billed as a feeder-watching trip to look for rosy finches, last year's trip yielded none of the finches, but we did see a number of others, including evening grosbeak, black-billed magpie, Stellar's jay, mountain and black-capped chickadee, downy woodpecker, Oregon dark-eyed junco, Clark's nutcracker, Canada geese, bald eagle, common raven, horned lark and a couple of unidentified raptors. We hope to see at least a few of all these, along with those rosy finches and others this year.
This is a laid back trip, including a chance to eat breakfast together and chat.

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