Saturday, March 22, 2025

Kids and Families welcome a chilly spring.

 On a cloudy Saturday morning, March 22, 20 kids and families gathered at Undine Park to search with all senses for signs of spring. Some even ventured over the state line from Colorado, while others were visitors staying in town. The group heard and saw several bird species, including robin, chickadee, flicker, sparrow, crow, collared dove and starling. Signs of spring included green grass, nesting material dropped by a starling, and nests in trees. 

 After wandering the park, participants abandoned the chilly weather for a trip across the street and down the alley to the Sheila Bird Farms greenhouse. Owner Ricky Kent showed kids and families the seed planting process and several types of seedlings now growing in preparation for transplanting on the farm. The group also enjoyed the tropical plants that Ricky brought to the greenhouse from his former home in Florida many years ago. On the way out, participants treated themselves to a sprig of microgreens or pea shoots to eat. Back at the park, all kids received a seed planting kit and dipped their peat pots into a bag of soil to collect for planting before heading home. 

 Our next Kids and Families event will take place on Saturday, April 19, at 9am in Washington Park, where a group of students in the UWYo Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Program will provide Earth Day activities, including making bird feeders! Meet at the bandshell for this event. 

 Laramie Audubon Society offers a Kids and Families activity every month of the year. Keep your eyes peeled on our website Events page, social media, with your school or home school group, and members receive a reminder by email before all events. 

 Family membership in Laramie Audubon Society is just $25 per year. Members receive notice of upcoming events, our quarterly newsletter, and invitation to occasional special members only events. Join online at: 

 Below photos: Microgreens and pea shoots growing in the greenhouse. Mmmm! And the group spies a crow nest high in a tree. 

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